Online data security

Online data security

Online data security is a major concern for a company that would like to be 100% certain of the protection of its own and of its customers data. It is now impossible to think of an advanced software that is really useful without being connected to the web.

Sharing files, documents, invoices, pay slips and other sensitive material normally runs along the web network through e-mail and is not always a certified e-mail (PEC).

The business management systems based on Cloud (web) provided and made by IG-Global offer all the parameters required for security:

– Reporting when logging in using a connection other than the corporate one
– Attempt limit exceeded for password login
– Changed management permissions
– Notice of appropriate password change

The data and its security are the personal responsibility of the Cloud provider. As hackers have shown with the theft of celebrity data, poor password security can easily give cybercriminals access.

Some useful tips for making passwords more secure:

– Avoid using the same password for multiple platforms
– Add letters, numbers, symbols etc. to the password,
– Do not use passwords that are related to your life (dates, names, addresses, license plate of the machine)
– Change your password often

Although many people are sceptical about storing data online and using online banking, the main concern of users is not that data is being breached but that data may be lost.