Responsive web design

What does responsive website mean?

Responsive means “reactive”, “ready to respond”, “adapting”. A responsive website, therefore, adapts, takes the form, fills the space of its box.

With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, and especially the ability to connect to the Internet through these devices, the problem of adapting web pages to their format and resolution was born.

Responsive Web Design

The problem of having a page that adapts to the various resolutions started back in 1990. But it was in 2007 that the new need to create a responsive web design was born, since the iPhone was launched on the market. More than seven years have passed, and it is strange to still see online websites that not only are not responsive, but seem to have been built in the nineties with pascal.

The best thing to do, if you already have a non-responsive website, and above all with an older look, is to create a new website.

Creating a fluid design

Thinking, creating a fluid and dynamic layout that adapts to any type of screen, is a factor that the web designer must have in mind when designing the website. The best thing to do is to design a simple and clean graphic layout that preserves the graphic characteristics even in different formats and resolutions.

A responsive website when it adapts to the screen of a PC or smart TV retains the following structure:

– header that contains the logo or name
– menu or navigation
– container (content) which can be a single body, divided into two or three parts of different sizes
– footer

We know that smartphones and tablets have a view that always scrolls down with the touch of the finger on the touch screen. For this reason, if the website to be created does not have many pages and is made up of a basic structure, it is advisable to have a site with a one-page structure.

One-page means that the structure and content of the website are visible on a single page that always scrolls down. In this way the visualization from pc, tablet and smartphone will always be the same and the graphic layout will be consistent.

Multiple visits to the website

Data collected in 2014 shows that the number of people doing business and activities from mobile devices is growing strongly. 94% of smartphone owners use their phone to find information about local companies, 67% of users who usually buy online start buying on a mobile device and then finish from PC. That’s why it’s important to offer a comfortable and smart surfing environment. So if you have a non-responsive website or e-commerce is advisable to make a new website, since you are already there it would not hurt to “refresh” the graphics!