IG-Global is an advertising agency in South Tyrol that deals with website creation, web marketing, advertising graphics, online shops, SEO strategies for search engine optimization. Our company does design applications, advertising printing, text editing and translations. We are constantly updated on the latest news, to guarantee the best for our customers.
8 Reasons to have a Website
There are many reasons to own a website. In this article I tried to summarize until I reached “8 reasons to have a website”. Previously we had dealt with this topic (why is it important to have a website?).
Having a website is a need, especially today. With a smartphone connection, the number of people connecting to the web has increased, but also the frequency with which users access the web.
Questioning search engines, especially on google search, is now a habit rooted in the everyday life of each of us.
If, for example, you are in Bolzano, and you want to eat fish, the first thing you do is take your smartphone and ask google: “Bolzano fish restaurant”.
This is just one example, but it can be adapted to any type of request. Obviously each question corresponds to an answer that in turn is linked to a website.
The first thing that everyone does when they have a need, a question, is to access the web, open the search engine and ask google.
The reasons just mentioned, are only the tip of the iceberg.
Actually, being on the web, with a website is vital to the business world.
Whether you are a business owner, a freelancer, a psychologist, a restaurant owner or a writer: you must have a website!
For this reason, we have created a list with the basic reasons that answer the question: why is it important to have a website?
1. Stimulating customer interest
The customer who already knows your business, will be more stimulated to direct contact, with the ability to subscribe to the newsletter and know in detail every service you offer. Having a website can arouse more interest to those who, perhaps, have only heard about you, and are interested in deepening aspects of your business. If you decide to create an application for smartphones and other devices in addition to the website, the interest of the customer and the usability of the site reach a very high level.
2. Make your brand known
A website is structured in such a way that the company logo is clearly visible on every page of the website. Having your own logo on the company website and also on the facebook page, induces the customer to trust you. If we are talking about a new business, having a website helps to make your brand known in less time than in the past. Those who decide to open a new business today, know that they can count on the help of the web to shorten the time, make themselves known and advertise offers and promotions. You often hear of new companies (start ups) that work and gain money exclusively thanks to their presence on the web.
3. Strengthening the corporate identity
Strengthening the identity of a company means, reconfirming the success of a company that has existed for many years, but also helping a small company to build its reputation online, all this is possible thanks to the creation of the website. To strengthen the corporate identity, it is also possible to create an advertising storytelling to be included in the site, but also infographics to be shared on social media.
4. Opening up to new markets
Having a website favors the possibility of collaboration with companies that are interested in the sector in which you operate. The website can be created in several languages, this encourages the opening of your company to new markets. So the possibility of being known and recognized beyond your usual circle.
5. Getting started with e-commerce
Obviously, having a website opens up the possibility of e-commerce. If it is a commercial or craft activity, the next step after opening the website is the creation of e-commerce. Having an e-commerce of your own business, will be like opening a store, but without spending all the money that would be necessary for the opening of a real store.
6. People judge a book by its cover
Unfortunately, it’s true, people judge a book by its cover, obviously it’s necessary to make it at its best. Having a website is like having a business card that everyone can see, expose themselves to the general public and therefore, not be afraid to do so. For this reason, having your website made by experts in the sector is the first step to make a good first impression.
7. Customers are looking for you on Google
As already said at the beginning of this article, it seems obvious to say that today’s customers are looking for you on Google. Google does nothing but respond to a users sneed. When words are typed into the search engine, google creates a list of possibilities in response to that need. It would be appropriate to appear in that list of possibilities and especially be in the first page of the search. To do this is not enough to have a well-structured website, but you need to have the website indexed for search engines (SEO friendly).
We have thus reached the last point of our small list that contains the reasons why it is important to have a website. It is important to have a website because…